
资源,建议, & 建议 for Burn Survivors, Their Families, and Caregivers

给患者的建议: & 建议

As part of our commitment to high quality care for you, we offer the following services.


Following a traumatic injury, families often have concerns about their insurance coverage. 你的案件经理可以大发娱乐提供大发娱乐. 案例管理器执行以下操作: 

  • Coordinates financial resources that are available to you. 

  • 安排您可能需要的医疗设备. 

  • Works with the care team on the plan for you to leave the hospital. 

  • 获取并验证您的保险范围. 

  • Contacts payers for authorization (like Medicare, Medicaid, or others). 

  • Provides ongoing reviews of your status with your case manager as you move closer to discharge. 

情感 & 行为健康 

你的护理团队每天都会检查你的护理情况. We consider every aspect, including your behavioral health. Our behavioral health professionals help you and your loved ones adjust to your injury. We help you understand reactions to trauma and how to cope with being in the hospital through your phases of recovery. 


Going back to normal life can be a worry for you and your loved ones. Our behavioral health team can help you with these issues. 这些问题通常包括:

  • 身体形象,
  • re-entering school, managing stares and/or teasing, and 
  • 其他社区转介活动, 比如燃烧营, 射箭诊所, 攀登诊所, 戏剧, 诸如此类. 

The burn center offers a support and education group on Wednesdays from 10:30 am to noon in the burn center support room. This group is open to inpatients, outpatients, and their support networks.

儿童患者 & 游客


We give our pediatric patients age-appropriate information about:

  • 程序,
  • 大发娱乐应对,以及
  • therapeutic play (an important part of development and coping).

A playroom is available for pediatric patients staying at the hospital with toys and activities for children of all ages. 出于安全考虑, there must be three people in the room when children are there, 包括一名工作人员.


情感 preparation can help children visiting their loved ones for the first time. To do this, you can make arrangements 24 hours in advance by contacting a health care team member.

给看护者的建议: & 建议

A burn accident creates many changes and losses for you and your loved ones. 呆在医院里是很可怕的. 病人 often experience frustration and depression during recovery.

Our burn team considers every aspect of healing to treat the whole person. 

如果你是病人的家人或朋友, we encourage you to review these policies and procedures.

Openly communicate with your loved one and staff to help provide support. 


作为日常护理的一部分,大发娱乐要求你 填写高级指令. Advanced directives are detailed instructions on how to care for you or your loved one if they have a cardiac arrest or other life-threatening event.

This is routine practice for all patients and does not mean that something bad has happened or that we expect something bad to happen. 

Our doctors will communicate openly and honestly about you or your loved one’s condition. If complications occur, we may ask you to make decisions about care.

It is important to keep in mind the patient’s wishes and how they would want to be cared for. If you don’t know the patient’s wishes or are unwilling to commit to decisions regarding their care, we will provide the care we believe best serves the patient. 


You and your loved ones need emotional support even when things go well. 如果有并发症或不良后果, our entire team will support you and your loved ones as much as possible.

We encourage you to ask questions about uncomfortable issues. We will answer all questions open and honestly and explain if a complication has occurred.

We provide support throughout treatment no matter what happens.


  • The best time to ask for help is before you really need it. 不要等到你筋疲力尽的时候. 

  • 尽早建立一个支持系统. 

  • Involve others and make them comfortable with the situation, even if the help seems minor. 

  • Be aware of the effect of compliments and don’t let them disable you. (For example, it can be hard to live up to expectations when people call you a hero.) 

  • Build consensus with the burn team, your family members, and the patient in decisions where possible. 

  • Feel free to let others be responsible for finding answers. 

  • Know how to ask politely, but directly, for what you need. 

支援个人健康 & 弹性

In order to provide care for your loved one, you need to keep yourself healthy. 做这些事情来照顾好自己: 

  • 保证充足的睡眠. 

  • 在这种情况下找到意义和目的. 

  • 寻求爱和支持的关系. 

  • 寻找积极的互动和社会支持. 

  • 锻炼
  • 吃健康食品. 

  • Find a connection to others experiencing a similar situation. 


While you are going through this experience, you may have some physical symptoms. These symptoms are often expressions of the emotions you are feeling. 它们可以包括这些: 

  • 头痛 

  • 头晕 

  • 恶心或经常胃痛 

  • 胃部或腹部剧烈疼痛
  • 几乎没有动机、精力或动力

  • 烦躁不安或感到烦躁

  • 严重的抑郁症 

  • 睡眠问题, 比如失眠, 噩梦, 突然醒来, 而且无法再入睡 

  • 几乎没有胃口 

  • 几乎没有性欲 

  • 健忘或失忆
  • 无法集中注意力 

  • Outbursts of anger and/or hostile behavior for no reason

  • 无法控制的哭 

  • 慢性疼痛,常发生在关节、背部或头部 

  • Pains in the chest area (that you may think are symptoms of a heart attack) 

  • 肌肉无力:身体各个部位的肌肉无力 

  • 肌肉酸痛 

  • 冷热天气 

  • Numbing or tingling, especially in your hands, feet, and face 

  • Lump in your throat and occasional difficulty in swallowing 

  • 呼吸急促或呼吸急促 

除了大发娱乐定期的互助小组, we can also recommend therapy services to help you deal with this trauma.

[伍利,F. Ross和Woolley, Susan(2000),《大发体育官网》! 当生活再也不一样了,“GoldMind出版物, 盐湖城, UT (isbn0 - 9678150 - 0 - 2))  

