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What to Expect


你可能会被要求穿上病号服,摘掉所有的珠宝和金属物品, such as watches, necklaces, eyeglasses, and the like. 根据x光的类型,你可能需要站着、坐着或躺着. 技术人员会为您正确定位,并大发娱乐提供最佳图像的指导. 拍照时你保持不动是很重要的. 根据检查的类型,x光检查可能需要5到30分钟.


你将被要求穿上病号服,摘掉所有的珠宝和金属物品, such as watches, necklaces, eyeglasses, and the like.

Fluoroscopy procedures are real time X-rays, 让医生看到他们原本无法看到的身体功能. 你可能会被要求完成一些简单的任务,比如一边拍照一边喝酒. You may also be asked to stand or lie down. 放射科医生或助手将在房间里指导手术过程, which can take 30 minutes to two hours.

How to Prepare For Your Imaging Procedure

48 Hour Diet-Restriction Instructions

你的医生正在为你做检查做准备,检查需要彻底清理肠道. 一定要遵守所有的指示,否则整个检查可能要重复.

Important大量的液体摄入对这种养生法的成功至关重要. You MUST drink lots of fluid. Drink only black coffee, plain tea, clear fruit juice (no pulp), soft drinks, or water at the times indicated below. NO MILK OR CREAM!!!

48 Hours Before Examination or Procedure:
*LOW RESIDUE foods only - Such as white bread, cream of wheat, meat (not fried), chicken, turkey, ham, and all defined liquids are allowed.

AVOID - Raw fruits, raw vegetables, nuts, raisins, whole-wheat products, cold cuts, cheeses, hotdogs, and meat fats.

24 Hours Prior to Examination:
LIQUIDS ONLY!! 这可能包括汤、撇去脂肪的清汤、明胶和透明液体.

NO SOLID FOODS PERMITTED. Starting midnight the night before procedure, NPO (nothing by mouth), no water, gum chewing, or cigarettes. 处方药物可以按计划用一小杯水服用.

*残留物是指构成粪便的未消化物质的总量. 例如,牛奶不含纤维,但它增加了粪便残渣. 残留物的主要来源是全麦面包和谷物等食物中的纤维, seeds and nuts, dried fruits, and the stalks and skins of fruits and vegetables.

Barium Enema or Gastrograffin Enema (Water Soluable)

Procedure在直肠内插入导管,在大肠内注射不透射线的造影剂. 这张对比图显示了大肠的解剖结构和任何异常. Typically, the patient may feel discomfort but no pain. 钡可以在病人体内停留5天之久.

Duration: With air contrast and without: 60 minutes
Gastrograffin: 45 minutes
Patients that have an ileostomy/colostomy: 30 minutes


成人-患者必须拿起Lo So制剂包和48小时饮食说明
Colostomy patients – No preparation

Pediatric patients:

Years Instructions
0–2 years NPO 2–4 hours prior to exam. Check with nurse.
2–6 years Half suppository at night and half suppository in morning; NPO at least four hours prior.
6–12 years Half bottle magnesium citrate on dulclax tablet and one suppository; NPO after midnight.
12–14 除非患者体重低于100磅,否则使用成人制剂.; then use 6–12 hour preparation

Baclofen Injection

Duration: 30–60 minutes
Preparation: None


Procedure导尿管通过尿道插入膀胱. 将造影剂注入膀胱,并拍摄一系列片子. This exam is used to look for bladder abnormalities, reflux of urine into the ureters, and neurogenic bladders.
Duration: 30–60 minutes

Preparation:除非与IVP结合使用,否则患者必须使用Lo So准备试剂盒并遵循48小时饮食. 当安排时,安排膀胱造影与IVP跟进.


Procedure导管用造影剂填充窦道. Determine the direction and depth of the sinus tract.
Duration: 30 minutes

Preparation: None

Hyserosalpingoram (HSG)

Procedure在子宫和输卵管内注射造影剂,观察输卵管是否有异常或堵塞. The exam is performed by the patient’s OB/GYN doctor.
Duration: 30 minutes

Preparation: None

Intravenous Pyelogram (IVP)

Procedure一种染料被注射到病人的静脉中,通过肾脏过滤,同时拍x光片来显示肾脏的功能和病理情况, ureters, and bladder.
Duration: 60 minutes

Preparation: 60岁以上或只有一个肾者,必须在最近一个月内测bun和肌酐水平. 病人如对碘过敏,必须向转诊医生报告. If patient is taking glucophage or metaformin, 手术后48小时内不要服用这些药物.

Adults – Tridate preparation kit and 48 hour diet

Pediatric (IVP)

Years Instructions
0–2 Years NPO two to four hours prior to exam.
2–6 Years Half suppository at night half suppository in the morning; NPO at least four hours prior.
6–12 Years Half bottle magnesium citrate, one duclax tablet, and one suppository; NPO after midnight.
12–14 Years Use adult preparation unless weight is under 100 lbs; then use six to 12-year-old preparation.


Lumbar Puncture

Procedure病人将趴着躺下,在注射部位周围进行局部麻醉. A spinal needle is inserted by the radiologist. 针被引导入脊柱,液体在荧光引导下被抽出.
Duration: 30–60 minutes

Preparation病人应该计划在医院呆两个小时. 病人需要是NPO和司机带他们回家,并在一天的剩余时间里保持卧床休息. If patient is on blood thinners (Coumadin/Aspirin), 他们在考试前需要休息五天. Labs also need to be done.


Procedure: Contrast is injected into the sinus tract.

Preparation: No preparation.

Small Bowel, Follow-Through *ONLY*

Procedure: Patient drinks barium, 腹部的图像会跟随钡穿过小肠.

Duration: One to three hours

Preparation: 48小时准备(回肠造口患者无需准备)

Sniff Test

Duration: 30 minutes

Trigeminal Nerve Injection (Glycerol Injection)

Procedure在面部三叉神经周围注射甘油三酯溶液以止疼. Anesthesia will be given.

Duration: 90 minutes

Preparation: Preparation is given by neurosurgery.

T Tube Cholangigram

Procedure少量造影剂被放置在先前手术放置的导管中. 通过一系列x光检查是否有任何堵塞或异常病理. Usually done in the OR.

Preparation: No preparation is needed.

UGI, UGI With SBFT and SBFT Only

Procedure少量造影剂被放置在先前手术放置的导管中. 通过一系列x光检查是否有任何堵塞或异常病理. Usually done in the OR.

Duration: 30 minutes to three hours

Preparation:伴有SBFT的UGI患者需要遵循48小时限制饮食. 只有UGI和SBFT患者需要在午夜之后成为NPO.

VCUG (Voiding Cystourethrogram)

Procedure导尿管通过尿道插入膀胱. 将造影剂注入膀胱,并拍摄一系列片子. This exam is used to look for urinary abnormalities, reflux, 或尿液进入输尿管和神经源性膀胱后膀胱充盈. The patient is asked to void out the contrast. Images are taken while the patient voids.

Duration: With or without a catheter, 30 minutes

Preparation: No preparation is needed unless in combination with an IVP; then patient must use the Tridate preparation kit.