

Alcohol abuse is drinking alcohol to the point where it interferes with your daily life. Your drinking may cause problems in your relationships, at your job, or while you're at school. Alcohol abuse often leads to making poor or dangerous decisions.


At 亨茨曼心理健康研究所 (HMHI), we treat alcoholism as a disease that alters brain chemistry and has negative impacts on physical health.


迹象 you might be drinking too much include:

  • drinking to the point of blacking out,
  • missing school or work due to being drunk or hungover,
  • getting arrested for driving while drunk,
  • having family members question your alcohol use,
  • 总是找理由喝酒,
  • 独自饮酒,
  • drastic mood changes while drinking,
  • inability to say no when offered a drink,
  • lying about your drinking habits to others,
  • engaging in verbal or physical abuse you have no memory of when sober,
  • spending large amounts of money when drunk,
  • spending rent/mortgage or grocery money on alcohol,
  • 身体颤抖,并且
  • hiding alcohol in your home, workplace, or vehicle.


There are four widely recognized stages of alcoholism, which include:

  • Pre-Alcoholic - You drink casually or socially at the beginning of this stage. 在这个阶段结束的时候, 你喝酒是为了停止忧虑, 减少焦虑, 忘记问题, 或者其他的情绪. Your tolerance for alcohol increases, and it takes a larger amount of alcohol for you to feel its effects. If you are drinking a manageable amount in socially appropriate situations and can say no to another drink, you likely won’t develop an alcohol addiction.
  • 〇早期酗酒 You might start lying to friends and family about your drinking habits and add alcohol to your soda cup or coffee mug when no one is looking. As your tolerance grows, you may start thinking about alcohol more often.
  • 中间酒精- Your friends and family will start to notice your drinking problem at this stage. You might start missing work or social gatherings due to being drunk or hungover. You will probably experience mood swings and become easily irritated with your spouse, 孩子们, 或同事. Physical symptoms will appear at this stage, 比如面部发红, 胃胀, 精力不足, 体重增加. You might try to stop drinking and relapse again.
  • 〇晚期酒鬼 The effects of your alcoholism are noticeable to others. Serious health problems may develop, such as cirrhosis of the liver or dementia. You probably drink all day and have lost at least one job or relationship due to your heavy drinking. You might experience paranoia, tremors, or hallucinations if you try to stop drinking.

Alcoholism can be successfully treated at any stage. 呼叫 HMHI for a free consultation to help you get started on your recovery journey today if you think you are in any stage of alcoholism.


Binge drinking is a pattern of consuming large amounts of alcohol within a short period of time. This occurs most often in young adults ages 18 to 34 but affects people outside of this age group as well.

If you have a 酗酒ing habit, seeking help early will prevent addiction in the future.


Alcoholism is caused by a variety of factors and circumstances. It can affect you no matter your background, income, or marital status.


研究 suggests a link between alcoholism and genetics. Children of alcoholics are more likely to become alcoholics themselves than those who grew up with non-alcoholic parents. But environmental factors also contribute to alcoholism. If a person grew up in a household where excessive drinking was normalized, they are more likely to develop a drinking problem.


You may be more likely to develop a drinking problem if you:

  • 从小开始喝酒.
  • have a family history of alcohol problems.
  • 酗酒.
  • struggle with mental health conditions.
  • 有创伤史吗.

大发娱乐的 Addiction Recovery Specialists


If you think you might have a problem with alcohol, it’s time to seek help. 大发娱乐的 addiction recovery services at HMHI offer an array of treatment programs for all levels of excessive alcohol consumption.

呼叫 801-583-2500 to learn more about how to get started on your recovery journey. We also schedule free consultations to help you find the program that best fits your needs and life circumstances. 大发娱乐的 treatment programs are usually covered by health insurance. 大发娱乐的 office staff will help determine your level of coverage with your insurance carrier.

大发娱乐的 Addiction Specialists in the News
