

Postpartum depression is a deep sadness that occurs after your baby’s birth and interferes with your daily life. It is the most common pregnancy complication that can affect both women and men in the time immediately after childbirth, 而且症状通常在分娩前就开始了. These can range from hormonal changes to physical adjustments and a new lifestyle at home. 


你可以 抑郁症的症状 怀孕期间和产后抑郁是一样的. When these symptoms occur during pregnancy, it’s called perinatal depression or perinatal anxiety. 围产期抑郁症是高度可治疗的. 如果你怀孕了并且有抑郁症状,打电话给你的医生. 

婴儿忧郁vs. 产后抑郁症

Postpartum depression involves more than feeling sad for a few days after delivering your baby. It is a serious condition that involves your brain and affects your behavior and physical health. Feelings of sadness that go away within three to five days of childbirth are commonly called the "baby blues" and not clinically diagnosable. 



  • 情绪低落
  • 缺乏完成日常任务的动力,即使是那些不涉及宝宝的任务
  • 破败的感觉
  • 增加易怒
  • 过度的罪恶感
  • 对照顾孩子或自己缺乏兴趣
  • 睡眠不足
  • 有伤害自己或孩子的想法
  • 多动期(躁狂发作)
  • 自杀的念头

如果你是伴侣或家庭成员, it’s important to pay close attention to a parent’s health and behavior during their pregnancy. 如果你刚为人父母, 如果你感到悲伤,打电话给你的医生, 害怕, 或者过度到干扰你日常活动的程度. 如果及早发现和治疗,可以预防严重的精神健康状况. 



  • You’re still feeling sad, 害怕, hopeless, or overwhelmed a couple of weeks after giving birth.
  • 你的消极情绪势不可挡,干扰了你的日常生活,
  • 你最初的悲伤感在分娩后几天消失了,然后又回来了. 

如果你的症状持续超过两周,请打电话给医生. 你最好尽快寻求大发娱乐. 如果你有产后抑郁症的症状,请打电话 围产期心理健康服务 at 801-585-1565. 

怀孕后感到悲伤、不知所措、沮丧或害怕是很常见的. 寻求大发娱乐可以让你的医生大发娱乐你成为一个最好的妈妈. 宝宝最好和妈妈在一起, so your care team will work to help you feel more comfortable and confident caring for your baby in your own home. 


At 亨斯迈心理健康研究所大发娱乐照顾病人在怀孕期间和整个产后期间. 大发娱乐围产期心理健康服务 provide a full continuum of care and work with women at all stages of their parenthood experience, 包括那些在过去一年内怀孕的人. 大发娱乐大发娱乐您在产后照顾好自己, 因为大发娱乐认识到这是一个巨大的人生变化. 

大发娱乐的 specialists are trained to help moms struggling with various mental health disorders related to being pregnant and/or giving birth. 大发娱乐为产后抑郁症大发娱乐提供多种服务:

  • 门诊
  • 住院治疗
  • 围产期支持和教育小组



了解U of U Health的研究人员, 一个社区合作伙伴团队, and Utah mothers across the state are working together to build new programs that address postpartum mental health disorders. 


产后抑郁症也会影响男性照顾者. 爸爸们必须解决睡眠不足的问题, 生活方式的改变, 当一个新的婴儿被带进一个家庭时,关系就会发生变化. 新爸爸和新妈妈的抑郁症状通常表现不同. 男性更有可能工作更长时间或远离孩子. 与女性相比,他们也不太可能寻求大发娱乐. Postpartum depression in men must be recognized and treated so that dads can fully bond with their baby and engage in a healthy emotional relationship within their new family dynamic.


大发娱乐的 postpartum depression screening system helps detect and treat postpartum depression while the condition is in the early stages. You will be given a routine questionnaire to fill out at regular intervals during your prenatal and postpartum checkups. 如果你觉得你可能正在经历抑郁症状, 你可以在任何时候要求一份筛选问卷. 早期发现和治疗是实现最佳可能结果的关键.

Depressive symptoms are usually noticed by a care provider when new moms come in for their postpartum checkup or at one of their newborn’s checkups. 如果母亲的抑郁或焦虑筛查呈阳性, their doctor will check in with them to see how their parenthood experience has been for them emotionally. 


Many mental health issues during and after pregnancy are attributed to just being tired or adjusting to new parenthood. 但不睡觉的影响远不止白天感到疲倦. Prolonged sleep deprivation can lead to mental health issues and is a contributing factor to postpartum depression. 

除了睡眠不足, delivering or caring for a baby is the primary contributing factor to postpartum depression. 任何年龄的母亲或照顾者, 社会经济地位, 这种情况会影响婚姻状况.



  • 认知疗法(谈话疗法)-This is a commonly used method that pairs patients with a mental health professional who talks with them about their problems and feelings. 专业人士通常是治疗师, 心理学家, 或者社会工作者, 他们接受过专门的培训,大发娱乐那些在情感上挣扎的女性, 精神上, 或者在分娩后身体上.
  • 〇产后抑郁症药物There are various kinds of prescription medicines that help treat postpartum depression. 所有药物都必须在医生的监督下服用, 如果你正在哺乳或可能怀孕,有些药物是不能服用的. 抗抑郁药通常用于治疗这种情况, 有些需要几周才能开始工作. Your doctor will help decide if medication is a good fit for you and choose the best type and dosage. 
  • 支持团体,初为人母是很有挑战性的. 有时, forming a supportive network with other women experiencing the same life changes you’re going through can make a difference in your ability to cope with these new experiences. 在HMHI, our new mothers’ support group meets every second and fourth Wednesday of the month at 12 pm via Zoom. 要注册或了解更多信息,请发送电子邮件至:MaternalMentalHealth@hsc.犹他州.edu. 


Without treatment, it can last for months or even years and turn into chronic depression. But postpartum depression is highly treatable and you should start feeling relief within a few weeks after beginning treatment. 

在HMHI,大发娱乐对每位患者采取高度专业化的治疗方法. 平均, moms dealing with postpartum depression are usually in our treatment program between three to six months.


有时, you might need help sooner than the next available appointment at your doctor’s office. 如有下列想法和症状,请立即致电医生: 

  • 你有自杀的念头.
  • 你想伤害你的孩子.
  • 你有伤害自己的想法.
  • 你在努力与现实保持联系.

If you or your loved one experience these symptoms outside of your doctor’s normal office hours, 你可以打电话给 自杀 & 危机热线988 or 犹他州危机热线801-587-3000. 如果母亲和/或婴儿的安全受到直接威胁, 拨打911或去最近的急诊室是一种选择. 如果你打危机热线, someone can help you determine the next step you should take to ensure the best possible outcome. 

所有这些症状都是可以治疗的,没有什么好羞愧的. But they are considered emergent situations and immediate care is needed to ensure the best possible outcome. 


新生儿在医院里会让人感到害怕、孤立和孤独 新生儿重症监护病房(NICU),但你不必独自经历这些. 第一步是寻找能理解你的人, 大发娱乐提供指导, 帮你度过人生中最艰难的时刻. Approximately 70 percent of mothers of NICU infants will experience a perinatal mood or anxiety disorder (PMAD) including postpartum PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). 


  • 在新生儿重症监护病房的不同阶段与他人见面
  • 支持您在新生儿重症监护室的生活
  • 从新生儿重症监护室毕业的人的支持
  • 由NICU和其他ICU幸存者领导
  • 探索生活在新生儿重症监护病房的感受和情绪
  • 可用于寻求额外大发娱乐的资源
  • 支持倡导你和宝宝的需求.

团体时间和报名信息请发邮件给大发娱乐: MaternalMentalHealth@hsc.犹他州.edu


大发娱乐的 围产期心理健康 program is offering a drop-in support group for expecting and new mothers seeking peer support within a confidential and safe space. This participant-driven group is facilitated by mental health and social work master's level students.


  • 抑郁和焦虑
  • 平衡母亲和其他生活角色
  • 性与性欲
  • 身体形象
  • 社会支持/社会生活改变
  • 情感和精神变化
  • 作为父母/伴侣做决定
  • 配偶关系的改变
  • 财政压力/预算
  • 作为母亲的日常压力和压力

大发娱乐在每月的第二个和第四个星期三下午12点通过Zoom主持会议. 注册后大发娱乐会给您发送一个链接. 如需注册或了解更多信息,请发邮件至:MaternalMentalHealth@hsc.犹他州.edu
