
您的支持团队 & 保健教练

大发娱乐要求所有患者在手术前确定一个支持团队(护理教练). Your support team could be a friend, 家庭成员, or neighbor—someone who you know and trust, 谁愿意在你手术后回家的头几天大发娱乐你. 这可以是一个人, or it can be several people; it does not matter as long they communicate any needs you may have. 


We encourage your support team to accompany you to 联合学院. 他们可以:

  • stay with you in the hospital,
  • attend your physical therapy sessions,
  • help you get food and medication, and
  • perform other basic household tasks after your surgery.

它们也会提醒你在恢复期间要做的运动, 在你回家的头几天,他们应该是你的眼睛和耳朵.

在你 关节置换手术, you will be able to bathe and use the bathroom independently, 但是,如果您确实需要大发娱乐,请务必与您的支持团队沟通. 如果可能的话,让你的支持团队参与你的家庭准备工作. The more communication you have with them prior to surgery, 当你带着新关节回家时,他们就能更好地大发娱乐你. 



Our surgical coordinator will notify your 保险 organization of your upcoming surgery. 大发娱乐将尽一切努力预先授权您的手术,并向您的保险公司大发娱乐提供所需的任何信息. 如果您对授权有疑问或需要更改手术日期,请致电大发娱乐的协调员.

您有责任与您的保险公司沟通,以确定您可能负责的费用. 大发娱乐无权通知你的共同支付或其他财务责任. 犹他大学健康中心的一位患者财务顾问可以根据当前的手术术语告诉你手术的估计费用. They may be contacted at 801-587-5374.


Plan for Post-Surgical Care


在手术前进行锻炼,使关节周围的肌肉变得强壮,这对关节置换术后的恢复非常有大发娱乐. 你要避免任何会增加疼痛和肿胀的活动.运动时腿部不能承受重量的运动是最好的, such as swimming and cycling. For more specific ideas, email TJRrehab@mofangziyuan.com. 大发娱乐的理疗师会为你大发娱乐提供术后需要做的锻炼.

Prepare Your Home for 复苏

在准备关节置换术时,考虑家中的布局和组织是很重要的. 大发娱乐希望你回家时尽可能的顺利和舒适. 大发娱乐建议你在真正需要助行器或拐杖之前,先试着用助行器或拐杖在家里走动,以大发娱乐你感知可能存在的挑战或障碍,否则你可能不会注意到.

Here is a list of things you may want to think about:

  • Consider your floor plan/stairs. 如果可能的话,在家里的同一层安排一张床,一个坐的地方和一个浴室.
  • 如果需要的话,重新整理家具,腾出地方放拐杖和/或助行器.
  • Have firm pillows available to raise low seats, 在你躺在床上的时候,准备一些额外的东西来大发娱乐抬高你的腿.
  • Throw rugs can be a trip hazard, especially in the bathroom. If you have any, pick them up and put them away.
  • 考虑在淋浴间或马桶附近安装安全栏.
  • Prepare and freeze meals ahead of time to make cooking easier.

了解更多关于如何准备你带着新关节回家的信息, 一定要看大发娱乐联合学院 video series.

There is also equipment you will need for your safe recovery. A list and prescription will be provided for you. Please obtain these items before surgery. Safety bars are helpful and increase your safety at home. 提前安装,特别是在浴室,如果可以的话. 淋浴椅和抬高的马桶座圈在恢复过程中也很有用. 全髋关节手术后的前六周需要一个凸起的马桶座圈.

If you will not have help available or you live alone, 手术后的头几天,请安排一位朋友或家人来大发娱乐你. 通常不鼓励去护理机构或康复中心,因为这会增加皮肤等并发症的风险, 膀胱, 肺部感染. 一般来说,在你自己的家庭环境中恢复更安全. 如果您有疑问,大发娱乐的护士和病例管理团队将与您讨论.


保持最好的健康状态可以降低手术中和手术后并发症的风险. To optimize your health, we recommend the following:

  • 至少在手术前六周和手术后六周戒烟. 尼古丁会减少手术部位的血液供应,减缓愈合过程. 如果你使用含有尼古丁的产品(口香糖),你的手术将被取消, 补丁, 特许经销商, 或吸烟).
  • 锻炼. We understand  that you may be limited by your arthritis pain, so we encourage you to strengthen your upper body. This will help you use the crutches/walker following surgery. 大发娱乐也推荐一些低强度的运动,比如散步和游泳.
  • Try not to injure your skin. Cuts or lacerations can cause a delay of your surgery.
  • Avoid alcohol for 48 hours before surgery.
  • 尽可能减少麻醉止痛药的使用. 这使大发娱乐能够使用有效的药物来控制你手术后的疼痛. If your body is tolerant of high doses of pain medication, your pain may be more difficult to control.

Medical Clearance by Primary Care Physician

We recommend that you visit your primary care physician (PCP) 在手术前6个月做一次全面的健康检查,以确保在进行手术之前解决任何健康问题. If you have other significant medical conditions, 你需要在手术前看相关的医疗管理专家.

  • 所有体检证明必须在手术前至少两周收到, or your procedure may be postponed.
  • If you have multiple medical problems, 在获得手术日期之前,您可能需要获得这些医疗许可.


手术前后一定要控制好血糖. 如果你患有糖尿病,你的糖化血红蛋白必须得到很好的控制(目标7).0) keeping your daily blood sugar at or below 150.



不要在关节内注射类固醇,大发娱乐将在手术后12周内更换. 手术前注射会增加关节感染的风险.


Bacteria from some procedures place you at higher risk for joint replacement infection. 这些包括任何侵入性手术(通过皮肤),例如:

  • 活组织检查,
  • Moh’s surgery for skin cancer, or
  • 结肠镜检查.


请完成所有程序或牙科工作并愈合 至少六周 在你的手术日期之前. 如果您对牙齿健康有任何担忧,大发娱乐建议您在手术前先去看牙医. 有问题打电话给大发娱乐.

药物 & 手术

你需要在手术前停止服用某些药物. 有关所有药物的问题应尽快向您的外科医生咨询.

Seven Days 手术前, STOP:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs): Ibuprofen, 布洛芬®, 艾德维尔®, 萘普生®, 都属®, 诸如此类. (这些药物也不能在手术后与华法林一起服用.局部非甾体抗炎药,包括局部面霜,可以继续使用.
  • 任何可能稀释血液的非处方草药,如St. John's Wort, Tumeric, fish oil, or Omega-3 supplements.
  • Aspirin®: If you take Aspirin for a cardiac condition, continue your dosage through your surgery date. If you have not been prescribed Aspirin by your doctor, please stop taking it seven days before surgery.


You may be taking a variety of medications, 大发娱乐高度重视确保你的处方是正确的,以确保你的手术有最好的结果. 如果您正在服用以下任何一种药物,请与大发娱乐的办公室联系以获取说明:

  • Plavix,
  • 香豆素,
  • Eliquis,
  • Xarelto,
  • 另外,
  • hormone replacement therapy,
  • 免疫抑制药物(如甲氨蝶呤、Enbrel)和
  • 强的松/类固醇.

在你手术后的六周内不要在关节内注射类固醇. It increases your chance of an infection in the joint.

你可以继续服用西乐葆(塞来昔布)和/或泰诺(对乙酰氨基酚), 但不要超过3个,000 mgs of Tylenol in a 24-hour period. 


Please write down all your current medications with dose, 取它们的频率, and the reason you take them. 包括任何:

  • over-the-counter medications,
  • 草药补充剂,或
  • 维生素.

Bring this list to all visits, including surgery.

术前实验室工作 & 评估


手术 at University Orthopaedic Center

If you are having surgery at the University Orthopaedic Center手术前护士会打电话给你讨论你的病史. 你还需要在手术后30-90天内抽血. Generally this is completed at your appointment with your surgeon; however, 如果你不确定, please contact our offices to confirm.

手术前一晚的用品由大发娱乐的手术协调员大发娱乐提供. If you are having a total knee replacement, you can 观看一段关于股神经导管安全性和操作程序的教育视频.

手术 at University of Utah Hospital

If you are having surgery at University of Utah Hospital,你可能会被安排在外科入院前诊所(SPA)预约. Be on time to your appointment, but also bring a book. Your appointment may take up to three hours. 带上一份大发娱乐要求你取得的体检证明副本, especially an echocardiogram report if applicable, so our anesthesiologists can clear you for surgery.

带上你的药物清单,这样护士就能知道准确的药物名称, 剂量, and times you take your medications. Your visit will include evaluation of your vital signs, 身高和体重, a possible EKG of your heart and/or a chest X-ray, 血液工作, and a detailed history and physical exam.

You may meet with a member of our anesthesia team as well. If you are having a total knee replacement, 您将观看一段关于股神经导管的安全性和操作程序的教育视频. 你要把手术前一晚的指导和用品带回家.

大发娱乐将为您大发娱乐提供旨在大发娱乐您了解手术和恢复过程以及如何护理您的关节的教育材料. 大发娱乐鼓励你与你生命中重要的人分享这些信息,他们将在整个过程中大发娱乐你.




金黄色葡萄球菌是一种常见的细菌,存在于大约四分之一的健康人的皮肤或鼻道中. 表面上的细菌并不总是引起问题或感染, but those affected we consider “colonized” with staph. 如果葡萄球菌通过手术切口进入人体, 减少, 痛, 导管, 或者呼吸管, 它可能会引起感染.

MRSA(耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌)是葡萄球菌家族的一种细菌,也可以通过这种筛选来鉴定. It is resistant to commonly used antibiotics. It is typically harmless to healthy people; however, 耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌的携带者在手术过程中细菌进入伤口并可能引起感染的风险增加. 每20个人中就有1个人的皮肤或鼻子会携带金黄色葡萄球菌. MSSA(甲氧西林敏感金黄色葡萄球菌)很容易用普通抗生素治疗,但也有可能引起感染.

What does the screening entail?

当你安排你的手术时,你会在诊所做鼻拭子. A cotton swab will be placed in your nose to get a sample. The process is painless and only takes a few seconds. 然后样本将被送到实验室进行培养, 结果将在5到7天内返回给您的供应商.


Many people are carriers of MRSA/MSSA. 这并不意味着你不干净,不生病,或者对其他健康的人有危险. 这意味着你是葡萄球菌的携带者,“去殖民化”将有助于减少细菌的数量, which helps reduce the chance of infection.

If your culture results come back positive, we will contact you and send additional instructions, including a decolonization process. 这个过程包括在手术前5天每天使用鼻软膏和“氯己定”沐浴露. 你也可以通过使用干净的亚麻布来减少被重新感染的风险, 服装, and other hygiene precautions.


大发娱乐只会在手术前与阳性结果的患者联系. 如果大发娱乐不与您联系,请继续以下卫生习惯:

  • 经常洗澡.
  • 用肥皂和水或含酒精的洗手液洗手.
  • 避免重复使用或共用个人物品,如一次性剃须刀、亚麻布、毛巾等.
  • Maintain clean sheets, 服装, and home.
  • 手术前五天要穿干净、洗过的衣服.
  • Wash all eating utensils after each use.

此外,在手术前,您将使用抗菌洗剂. 这方面的说明将在术前预约时解释.