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Bullying is Not OK - How You Can Help Your Child

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Bullying is Not OK - How You Can Help Your Child

Mar 10, 2014

这不仅仅是偷午餐钱或在学校操场上被嘲笑. Bullying has become a very serious concern these days. 很有可能你的孩子,或者你认识的孩子正在被欺负. Dr. Cindy Gellner讲述了孩子和欺凌的问题,以及如果你的孩子被欺负,作为父母你能做些什么. 她还谈到了网络欺凌以及你的孩子是受害者的一些迹象.

Episode Transcript

Dr. Cindy Gellner: 所以这不仅仅是偷午饭钱或者在操场上被戏弄. Bullying has become a very serious concern these days. I'm Dr. 辛迪·盖尔纳,这就是我今天在《大发娱乐》节目中要和大家谈论的话题.

Announcer: 来自犹他大学内科医生和专家的医学新闻和研究可以让你更快乐, healthier life. You're listening to The Scope.

Dr. Cindy Gellner: 校园欺凌越来越成为我每周都要解决的问题. 你的孩子或你认识的孩子很有可能被欺负. You might also know a child who is a bully. No child is immune to this; it's not just the geeky kids, 不仅仅是孩子们因为他们的衣服或爱好而显得格格不入. Any kid is vulnerable.

学校在努力让孩子们意识到欺凌行为以及这种行为不应该被容忍方面做得很好, 但是如果你的孩子被欺负或者欺负别人,你能做些什么呢?

如果你的孩子是被欺负的受害者,那么你需要注意一些事情. Some kids make excuses to not go to school. 有些人想带刀之类的东西去学校保护自己.

有些人会带着无法解释的瘀伤或撕裂的衣服回家,他们真的试图想出他们是怎么得到的, but it just doesn't make sense. Some are always losing things; they don't sleep well. They suddenly stop wanting to eat.

Their grades go down and that's a big key. Or they start acting differently. They start showing secretive behaviors, sullen behavior, they just are not the happy kid they used to be, 或者他们开始脾气大爆发,一点点小事就会让他们大发雷霆.

他们经常去学校的护士那里,尤其是在午餐或课间休息的时候. 午餐和课间休息是孩子最容易被欺负的两个时间.

So talk to your child. If they're showing any of these signs talk to them. 说,嘿,我注意到大发娱乐发生了一些不属于你的事情. Let's talk about that. What's going on?

你的孩子可能会受到身体上的欺负,挨打或拳打脚踢. 在孩子们取笑他们的地方,他们可能会被口头欺负, making threats towards them; sexual bullying, 通常都是十几岁的女孩开始穿胸罩. The boys can come up and snap their bras; they can have unwanted advances toward them.

Cyber bullying, 事实上,我有几个病人被网络欺凌到了影响自尊的程度. 人们在Facebook或Twitter上散布关于他们的谣言,这真的触及了那个孩子的灵魂.

你要确保如果他们有其中的任何一种,你都要听他们说, 你很认真地对待他们说的话,你是他们的父母. You are their advocate; you are the one that can help stand up for them, 因为很多时候,孩子们觉得如果他们为自己挺身而出, they are going to get hurt more.

那么,如果你认为你的孩子被欺负了,你该如何保护他们呢, 或者你如何保护他们不被欺负? You want your child to be confident. Children who are confident are less likely to become victims. They feel better about themselves.

他们能够专注于自己擅长的事情,所以当有人说, "Oh, you're not good at this. You're worthless. You're this," they're like, "No, I'm not. I know that I'm a good kid. I know I'm good at this. Hey, I'm good at soccer. I'm a great reader.“当他们觉得自己被欺负时,他们可以做一些事情来给自己一些无声的鼓励.

如果你的孩子是一个交际花,确保他们周围有很多朋友. There is strength in numbers, it's true. 恃强凌弱的人往往会欺负独自坐在餐厅里的孩子, or walks down the hall by themselves, plays by themselves on the playground. 你希望你的孩子被亲密的朋友包围,因为如果他们开始被欺负,这些朋友会大发娱乐保护你的孩子.

Body language; bullies will notice a child who looks weak. Encourage your child to stand up, hold their head high, and have your child just act like it's not a big deal. 如果你的孩子被欺负了,让他们用肢体语言告诉他们,你不能伤害我. I'm a strong person and I'm just going to walk away from you.

The one thing a lot of parents often say is, “如果我的孩子被欺负了,我会教他们空手道,这样他们就可以反击了." That's actually not a good idea. Bullies are usually stronger; they have a lot of friends, and if your child fights back, 欺负你的人会报复你,结果对你的孩子来说更糟.

Make sure that children always know that if they're being bullied they should tell an adult; tell the principal, tell the teacher, tell the recess duty, tell you. Your child should not be afraid to report a bully.

如果你的孩子告诉你他们被欺负了,去和学校谈谈. Don't back down. Go to the principal and say, "This is what my child told me. What can you find out?“校长和老师们应该认真对待你们的担忧.

You want to talk to your school about bully proofing. 大多数学校都有电话号码,你的孩子或你可以打电话报告欺凌事件. 许多小学、初中和高中都有反欺凌集会. 确保你的孩子注意到这些,并知道如果发生在他们身上该怎么做.

If your child is being bullied, as much as you might want to tell your child, you know what, 那孩子不是个好孩子,我要你把他打昏. Try to avoid doing that. Give your child some better strategies, holding their head up high, being confident in who they are, 知道自己不是那个恶霸想让他们认为自己是的那个孩子.


Announcer: We're your daily dose of science, conversation, medicine; this is The Scope, University of Utah Health Sciences Radio.