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Potty Training Tips

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Potty Training Tips

Aug 04, 2014

如厕训练对父母和孩子都有压力. 在这个发展阶段,儿科医生Dr. Cindy Gellner提出了一种积极的方法,并分享了她处理问题的建议. 她谈到了什么时候从纸尿裤过渡到内裤,以及为什么在这个充满挑战的时期对你的孩子耐心是很重要的.

Episode Transcript

Dr. Gellner: Everybody learns to go to the toilet eventually, but when should you try to teach your child, how do you teach your child, and what do you do when there are problems? 大发娱乐今天要讨论的是如厕训练. Cindy Gellner for the Scope.

Announcer: 来自犹他大学内科医生和专家的医学新闻和研究,你可以用它来过上更快乐、更健康的生活. You're listening to the Scope.

Dr. Gellner: 每个人都知道如厕训练就是让孩子穿着大男孩或大女孩的内裤自己上厕所, and you don't have to deal with diapers anymore. But how do you know when your child is ready? 你怎样才能让你的孩子准备好上厕所呢? Well, 我要提醒父母的第一件事是,在你的孩子完全准备好之前,不要开始训练. 有些孩子在15到18个月大的时候就准备好了, there's other kids that like "Yep, no, I'm two and a half, and I have no interest." Readiness just doesn't happen, 你必须让你的孩子对上厕所的想法感到舒服, 你可以在他们18个月大的时候开始教他们身体是如何运作的,从而大发娱乐他们做好准备.

你知道,你可以用不同的词,你可以说“你要去撒尿吗??" "Do you have to poop?" Things like that. 对你的孩子说这些话是可以的,因为他们知道这是什么意思. Use words that your family is comfortable with, and clarify that everybody does this, this isn't something that's special, everybody has to go, and its okay, they will learn. Don't refer to like poop or pee as like yucky, 因为这样他们就会对整个想法产生反感, and just feel like, "I don't want to have that stuff coming out of me, that's gross." You want to make it a positive experience.

你还想让换尿布变得愉快,这样他需要换尿布时就会来找你, and say "Oh look, I see you went you know, in your diaper. Okay are you ready to be changed? Do you want to be dry now?" Change your child frequently, so that your child is going to prefer the dry diaper, 因为等他们两岁的时候他们就不想再坐在那堆东西里了, they're like this is not comfortable anymore, I want out of this. They will start learning "Hey, I like being dry." Whenever they do come to you and say, "I need a new diaper, I pee'd, I pooped" then you say, "Oh, good job," lots of praise. Kids respond really well to praise.

Around 22-21 months, you can start teaching them about the potty, a lot of people will get a potty chair. 这个想法是让厕所和便盆椅成为一种特权, "Big kids are doing it, you can do it, you're going to be a big kid soon." Have them come and help pick out the potty, make it their own special chair, 他们甚至可以找到一个很普通的,然后贴上贴纸, or put their name on it so they know "Hey this is mine, and it's not anybody else's," and it just becomes something special for them. 你甚至可以让他们看一个年长的、受过上厕所训练的兄弟姐妹上厕所, so they realize "Oh, okay, well my older sibling is doing this, so he had to go through this, or she had to go through this, so I can do it too." Make sitting on the potty fun, 即使你只是坐在那里练习跑步, and you just say "Okay, 大发娱乐试着坐在便盆上,你拿些书来, 比如让你的孩子坐在马桶上, and understand this is how I go. 当你坐在那里阅读时,你可能会注意到, it happens, then you get to have big praise, it's where you get to be a cheerleader for your child.

当他们开始学习如何更好地使用厕所时, usually they're going to be around two, you can start reading books about the potty. 有很多书,有女孩的书,也有男孩的书,都是关于如何使用便盆的. 所以当你的孩子坐在马桶上的时候,你可以读这些书, and so they can realize "Okay, this is something to do, and I can do it." When they start doing it ca couple of times, then you can present them special underwear, 你不知道新内裤对一个会如厕的孩子来说有多兴奋,除非你真的教过他如厕. They see "Wow, I get new big kid underwear." It's an incentive for your child, "If I get out of diapers, I can wear this cool underwear, it's got my favorite characters on it."

那么,在这些练习中,你应该让孩子在马桶上坐多久呢? You want to do the practice runs at appropriate times, 通常在孩子吃完饭后30分钟左右, that's when their body wants to normally go. 所以这是说“嘿,大发娱乐去上厕所吧”的好时机.“你也可以寻找其他的小迹象, the facial expressions they make, the grunting, the holding their privates, the pulling at their pants, the squirming around doing the potty dance. When they start doing those go "Okay. Let's try to go. 我觉得你的尿或便便想出来了,大发娱乐去用便盆吧." Try sitting them on the toilet, 如果大约一分钟后他们不确定他们是否想呆在那里, that's okay, never force your child to sit on the toilet. 但如果他在那里坐了五分钟,什么也没发生,你就说:“你知道吗? That was a really good try, let's try again later." So don't let them stay on there for too long.

When your child does have success, that's when you get the treats, you can use things like an animal cookie, 或者他们会得到一张成功上厕所的贴纸, or even if they just try to go give them a reward, you can give them a big hug and say, "Oh, I'm so glad you tried." When your child does something really big like, when they walk over to the bathroom on their own, you don't have to look for the signs, they come up to you and they say, "I got to go pee," and you're like, okay, good they're actually getting this, and you and take them and you have a successful trip, that's when you can pull out the big rewards you know, like a matchbox car, or a new doll, or something like that. You don't have to make them really big rewards, 但对他们来说很重要的东西却不贵.

如果你的孩子非常努力地想去,但就是做不到,这种情况就会发生. 孩子们无论多大年纪都可以继续玩, and be like, "Oh I need to go to the bathroom, oh but I want to finish this game," whoops there's an accident. Don't reprimand your child, that's the one thing too, you can tell them, "Hey, 我知道你因为没能准时上厕所而难过. I know you like to be dry, you'll get better at this.“尽量把消极情绪降到最低,因为你想让这成为一种积极的体验. So change your child into dry clothes, and have them help you change into clothes, and just really try to say, "It's okay, we'll try again another time."

压力或强迫试图让孩子为发生事故感到难过可能完全没有效果. 它实际上可能会适得其反,你可能会失去你刚刚做的所有积极的步骤.

一旦你的孩子在如厕训练上做得很好, 他们会自发地去厕所十次或更多次, they're not having any accidents in between, they're coming to you, they're saying they need to go, they're going by themselves without even telling you, and they come out and say, "Hey mommy, 看,我尿在便盆里了”,这时候你就可以直接换内裤,不用尿布了. Always still use the diapers for like naps, and bedtime, 当你在外面旅行时,当他们不能按时上厕所时.

So what do you do if no matter everything you've tried, you've done the rewards, you've tried to be positive, 你真的已经失去了孩子学会如厕的希望? 有些孩子就是不愿意接受上厕所的训练. If your child is over three, and just won't sit on the potty or the toilet, ask your pediatrician about ideas, 因为大发娱乐大多数人都有一些建议,大发娱乐可以为你和你的孩子大发娱乐提供一些对你有用的建议. Almost every child is potty trained by age five, 所以当他们准备上学的时候,他们应该穿着内衣, and doing well.

Toilet training is something that we've all done, and we've all been successful at, and it will happen, just keep positive, make it a fun experience, 让你的孩子知道,当他们真的去的时候,他们做得有多好.

Announcer: We're your daily dose of science, conversation, medicine; this is The Scope, University of Utah Health Sciences radio.