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Aug 24, 2015

当孩子们在户外玩耍或参加运动队比赛时,受伤是很常见的. 脚踝扭伤尤其与足球和足球赛季的开始密切相关. Dr. Cindy Gellner讲述了如何判断你的孩子是否扭伤了脚踝以及如果他们扭伤了该怎么做. 她谈到了在家治疗以加速恢复,并给出了一些预防脚踝受伤的建议.

Dr. Gellner: 是时候回到学校和运动了,这意味着脚踝扭伤的时间到了. How to help with this frequent sports injury is today's topic on The Scope. I'm Dr. Cindy Gellner.

Announcer: Keep your kids healthy and happy. You are now entering the Healthy Kid Zone with Dr. Cindy Gellner on The Scope.

What Is a Sprained Ankle?

Dr. Gellner: 大发娱乐看到很多孩子回到学校的足球训练营, soccer, 所有能很快扭伤脚踝的运动. So what exactly is an ankle sprain? 这种损伤会导致踝关节的一根或多根韧带拉伸或撕裂. 韧带是连接骨头和关节的坚固的组织带. There are many ligaments in an ankle.

最常见的扭伤涉及脚踝外侧的韧带. That's the lateral ankle sprain. Ligaments on the inside of the ankle may also be injured, those are medial ankle sprains, 还有脚踝中部的韧带, those are called high ankle sprains. Again, a sprain is caused by twisting your ankle. 当你走路时,你的脚通常会向内或在你的下方, running, jumping, but it may also turn to the outside as well.

扭伤有轻度、中度和重度之分,但都很疼. 脚踝扭伤的症状包括从轻微的疼痛到突然的疼痛, swelling, and bruising, which may look quite severe. 即使你没有施加任何重量,你的脚踝也可能会疼痛.

Sprained Ankle Symptoms

To diagnose a sprained ankle, your child's pediatrician 会询问你孩子的症状以及受伤是如何发生的. 所以知道受伤时发生了什么是非常重要的. That's very important to the pediatrician. They'll also examine your child's ankle and if needed, 根据症状的严重程度,可以进行x光检查.

Treatments for a Sprained Ankle

治疗扭伤的脚踝取决于扭伤的严重程度. 它可以用RICE、rest、ice、compression和elevation四个字母来记忆. When your child first sprains their ankle, have them rest. Then, 每隔三到四个小时在患处放一个冰袋或一包用布包裹的冷冻蔬菜, for up to 20 minutes at a time. Raise the ankle with a pillow when sitting or lying down. And for compression, 你可以使用弹性绷带,甚至可以在当地商店买到的支架. 最后,在最初的72小时内,尽量抬高脚踝.

如果扭伤很严重,你的孩子可能需要使用拐杖,直到他们可以无痛地走路. 对于疼痛,你的孩子可以服用消炎药,比如布洛芬或萘普生,这是一种镇痛药. 除非你的儿科医生建议,否则不要服用这种止痛药超过10天. 很少,严重的踝关节扭伤和韧带完全撕裂需要手术. Your pediatrician will refer your child to an orthopedic doctor if that's the case. 手术后,你的脚踝要打4到8周的石膏.

Sprained Ankle Recovery Time

恢复时间取决于很多因素,比如你孩子的年龄, what kind of health they're in, if they've ever had a previous ankle injury, and the severity of the sprain. 轻微的脚踝扭伤可能在几周内恢复,而严重的扭伤可能需要六周或更长时间才能恢复,即使不需要手术. Recovery also depends on which ligaments were torn. The lateral sprain, remember those outside ligaments, takes less time to recover than a medial sprain, the inside ligaments, or a high ankle sprain, the high middle ligaments.

大发娱乐经常被问到:“我的孩子什么时候能重新开始运动??“嗯,每个人从伤病中恢复的速度都不一样. 你的孩子可以回到活动取决于多久脚踝恢复, 而不是看受伤后的几天或几周. In general, 你的孩子在开始治疗前出现症状的时间越长, the longer it will take to get better.

他的目标是尽快安全地恢复正常活动. 如果你的孩子回来得太早,他们可能会加重他们的伤势. 与未受伤的踝关节相比,当受伤的踝关节活动范围更大时,您的孩子就可以安全地恢复正常活动. Also, 与未受伤的脚踝相比,他们需要受伤的脚踝有充分的力量,他们需要能够笔直地向前走,没有疼痛或一瘸一拐.

How to Prevent Ankle Sprains

For kids who are very active in sports, 首先要记住如何防止脚踝扭伤是非常重要的. Be sure to have your child wear proper, well-fitting shoes, stretch before and after sports, avoid sharp turns and quick changes in direction, 在剧烈运动时,可以考虑用绷带绑住脚踝或戴上护腕, especially if they've had a previous injury. 如果你的孩子是一个运动能力很强的孩子,我可以向你保证他们会扭伤脚踝. The most important thing is to address it right away, not wait, and let them recover before they get back out on the field.

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