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Marijuana use may not be quite as risk-free as previously believed—especially for teens. 辛迪·盖尔纳,医学博士, explains recent research into the rise in teen marijuana use. Learn more about its association with serious health issues like temporary psychosis and the increased risk of developing disorders like schizophrenia and cannabis hyperemesis syndrome.

最近, 我看到很多青少年, 有些孩子年仅12岁, 哪些人每天都在吸食大麻. 根据美国疾病控制与预防中心的数据, in 2019, 37% of United States high school students reported using marijuana, 22%的人说他们在过去30天内使用过. 这通常被称为电子烟. Eight percent of 8th graders, 19% of 10th graders, and 22% of 12th graders reported vaping marijuana. 我的孩子们可以验证这些数字. They often have reported going to the bathroom at their schools and finding other students vaping.

Marijuana's Negative Effects on Teen Brains and Academic Performance

In addition to the known negative side effects on the brains of teens smoking pot, 比如解决问题的问题, 很难保持专注, 还有出勤率和表现的问题, we are also finding that teens who are using marijuana are having temporary psychosis symptoms. There is also an association between marijuana and schizophrenia, in that the earlier and more frequently a kid uses marijuana, the more likely they are to develop schizophrenia as a young adult. Also, about 3 in 10 people develop something called a marijuana use disorder. 基本上就是对大麻上瘾.


另一个负面的副作用, 这在成年人中更为常见, 但我现在开始在孩子身上看到, 是不是叫大麻素呕吐综合征. Basically, it's when people who smoke marijuana have frequent s过e nausea and vomiting. The risk increases for those that smoke marijuana at least once a week, 或者他们在很小的时候就开始吸烟. It can start in teens, though, after as little as three months of regular marijuana use.

无药可治, 大发娱乐也看到青少年停止吸食大麻, can continue to have this for a long time even after they stop. It's worse if they were smoking a lot of marijuana a week for more than a year. It doesn't happen very often, but it completely disrupts the lives of those who have it.


Persistent vomiting can even lead to tooth decay because of stomach acids hitting the teeth and something called Mallory-Weiss syndrome, which is when a person's esophagus tears from repeated muscle spasms and acid exposure. 我见过每天都呕吐的青少年. 我见过因脱水而住院的青少年, 营养不良, and s过e weight loss because they are physically unable to keep food or even water down even after they're given anti-nausea medications.

这是怎么发生的呢? 大麻素是大麻中的活性成分. They bind to receptors in the brain, gastrointestinal tract, and immune cells. While studies are still being done to determine exactly what the body is doing, the thought is that long-term use of cannabinoids eventually has the opposite effect. 最初, 它有助于缓解恶心和呕吐, 但随后它开始引发恶心和呕吐. Some researchers think there is a genetic component to who is most at risk for this paradoxical event. Some people are lucky and only have symptoms for about 10 days, kind of like a withdrawal period. 对一些人来说,这可能会持续数月.

According to a study that came out by researchers at Johns Hopkins Children's Hospital, cannabis hyperemesis syndrome can be confused with cyclic vomiting syndrome, so it's important that doctors ask kids who repeatedly vomit about any drug use. The study found that the average age of teens who present with cannabis hyperemesis syndrome was 17, and it was mostly seen in teens who used marijuana an average of 21 times per week.

Treatment and Supportive Care for Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome

同样,最困难的部分是治疗. 这都是支持性护理. 一些报道称,热水澡似乎有所大发娱乐. Some kids need to be admitted to the hospital, and even then, they may still have symptoms. 唯一能完全, eventually will stop symptoms is not using cannabis of any kind at all, 过. So if your child has repeated nausea and vomiting and it seems like something else is going on, 一定要带他们去看医生, and don't be surprised if your doctor does ask about drug use. 大麻并不像许多人想象的那样无害.