

Big homes, bigger bank accounts, fancy cars, and oodles of fans -- it seems celebrities have it all. 但 celebrity doesn’t protect from 心理健康 problems. Many of today’s biggest stars are sharing candid information about their battles with mental illness. Their stories and their courage to talk frankly about their conditions build healthy awareness of current treatments and the importance of loving support. 

Here are ten celebrities who came forward with their struggles with mental illness. 

1. Chrissy teigen -产后抑郁症

作为一个成功的典范, 电视节目主持人, and wife of multi-platinum recording artist John Legend, Teigen, 犹他州本地人, went public in a candid essay published in the April 2017 issue of 《大发体育官网》杂志. “我拥有了快乐所需要的一切,”她写道. “然而,在去年的大部分时间里,我感到不快乐. What basically everyone around me--but me--knew up until December was this: I have 产后抑郁症.”  Teigen finished her essay explaining why she chose to speak up now. “我想让人们知道,这可能发生在任何人身上, and I don’t want people who have it to feel embarrassed or to feel alone.”

2. 黛米·洛瓦托患有双相情感障碍

Twenty-four-year老 洛瓦托 has been a public figure and performer since her teens. 在十八岁, 她站出来讲述了自己受欺负的经历, 上瘾, 饮食失调, 切割, 和抑郁. 在一次电视采访中, 洛瓦托 explained that it was during her treatment for 上瘾 and eating disorders that she was diagnosed with 双相情感障碍. 在那段时间里, 洛瓦托 learned coping skills and adopted ways to control and understand her emotions. “For the first time in my life, I started to feel,” she said. Currently, 洛瓦托 is the celebrity spokesperson for Be Vocal: Speak Up for Mental Health campaign.

3. 史蒂夫·杨——社交焦虑症

NFL-hall-of-famer and BYU graduate, Steve 年轻的 had a seemingly perfect life. 但在他的新书中, QB:我在螺旋后面的生活年轻的 承认患有 焦虑性障碍 在他生命的大部分时间里. “其根源是这种绝望, 就像, 我得做点什么,他说, 在一次电视采访中.

4. 唐尼·奥斯蒙德——社交焦虑症

Another local celebrity who suffers from social 焦虑性障碍, Donny 婚礼 has been battling social anxiety while performing since he was a child. It was in 1994 while performing in the lead role in Andrew Lloyd Webber’s 约瑟夫和神奇的彩色梦幻大衣 他意识到他需要大发娱乐. 自2004年以来, 婚礼 has been an honorary member of the Anxiety and Depression Association of America. “I want to let people know that they are not alone and that help is available,他说.

5. 迈克尔Phelps-注意力缺陷多动症

迈克尔·菲尔普斯是美国游泳运动员, who has won a record-breaking 19 Olympic medals during his swimming career. He also lives with attention-deficit-hyperactivity-disorder. ”菲尔普斯, 一个身材瘦长的, hyperactive child who was diagnosed with the condition aged nine, 游泳池是一个避难所, 一个消耗多余能量的地方,”作家 帕特里克Barkham 说. “The concept of role models can seem an overused cliche but the Olympians with 注意力缺陷多动症 may really inspire a generation of athletes who once would have been written off.”

6. 丹·雷诺兹——临床抑郁症

Dan 雷诺兹 may be living the dream as a member of the chart-topping band Imagine Dragons but despite commercial success and a rewarding musical career, 雷诺兹形容自己“沮丧得要命”.“自2012年以来, 雷诺兹 坦诚面对自己与抑郁症的斗争. “That’s a scary thing when you get everything that you could have wanted but yet you still feel an emptiness because, 在这一点上, 你认为, “哦,人, 如果这个不能填满它, 那我就不知道该去哪里找了.” His new role as a husband and father has motivated him to make positive changes. “That made me feel 就像 I needed to reevaluate my life and find a deeper appreciation for it."

7. 迪卡普里奥——强迫症

The Oscar-winning star admitted he feels compelled to walk through doorways numerous times and step on sidewalk stains left by used chewing gum. 但 迪卡普里奥 成功保住了他的 强迫症 tendencies under control, saying, “I’m able to say at some point, ‘OK, you’re being ridiculous. 不要踩每一个你看到的牙龈污渍. 你不需要这么做.’”

8. 丹尼尔·雷德克里夫——强迫症

The boy who made Harry Potter a household name at the age of ten has been struggling with 强迫症 since he was five. 根据作家亚历山德拉·达卢西奥的说法, “Dan decided to seek help when his anxiety prevented him from turning off a light for five minutes.” Even at such a young age, Radcliffe knew something had to be done.

9. 夫人Gaga-PTSD

尽管她在音乐和表演上都很成功, Lady Gaga spoke openly in December 2016 about her struggles with 创伤后应激障碍Gaga admitted in a 2014 interview that she is the victim of a rape that happened when she was 19 years old. “My own trauma in my life has helped me to understand the trauma of others,” she 说.

10. Adele-Postpartum抑郁

这位格莱美奖得主向 《大发娱乐》 last year about her battles with 产后抑郁症 following the birth of her son. “I had really bad 产后抑郁症 after I had my son, and it frightened me,” she 说. She admits she didn’t take any medication for it, she also didn’t talk to anyone about it. “我很不情愿,”她说.