

Wendy Kohlmann, MS, CGC, Kristen Pauley, MS, CGC, Susanna Strydom, MS


Many people with a personal or family history of cancer are now offered 基因检测 来解释他们的癌症病史. Whether you test 积极的 or 负 for a mutation in a cancer-related gene, it is important to share this information with family members so they can better understand their own cancer risks and management recommendations.

Why are my 基因检测结果s relevant to my family members?

We share approximately 50% of our genetic material with first-degree relatives like parents, 兄弟姐妹, 和孩子, and approximately 25% with second-degree relatives like aunts, 叔叔, 和孙子. Your 基因检测 results may provide important information for your family members.

为什么分享信息很重要 积极的 基因检测结果?

If you are found to have a cancer-related mutation through 基因检测, 你的家人有危险. 家庭 members should be informed so they can talk with a genetic counselor or their health care provider about 基因检测 for themselves. 如果它们也携带突变, screening and medical management may be recommended to catch cancer at an early stage or to lower their cancer risk.

为什么分享信息很重要 基因检测结果?

If no mutation is found through your 基因检测, this is also important. Providers will analyze your 负 test results and family cancer history to determine if another family member should consider 基因检测. If your 负 test result eliminates the need for your relatives to be tested, their cancer risks and screening can be determined by their personal and family history.


All close relatives should be informed of your 基因检测 results. 从父母开始可能会有大发娱乐, 兄弟姐妹, and adult children and then invite them to share this information with more distant relatives like aunts, 叔叔, 侄女, 侄子和堂兄弟. 适合幼儿, it may not be necessary to share your results right away or in great detail as many cancer-related mutations do not increase the risk of cancer in childhood.

If you tested 积极的 for a mutation in a gene that does increase the risk of cancer in childhood, 比如TP53或APC基因, speak with your provider or genetic counselor about communicating these results with your children and the importance of 基因检测.


It can be helpful to let family members know you are beginning the 基因检测 process so they are aware this information is coming and can decide how they prefer the results be communicated. Whether or not your family members were aware that you were having testing done, you should share your results with them as soon as you feel ready.

除了上面列出的原因, this may be important to share because some 基因检测 labs offer free testing for a period of time for family members after a mutation is identified Informing your family in a timely manner may allow them to pursue no-cost testing to see if they share the same mutation.


Each family has their own unique way of sharing information. Families have shared genetic information in many different ways including emails, 社交媒体, 信, 电话, 一对一讨论, 还有家庭聚餐. Often family members will need certain pieces of information, such as a copy of your test results or a phone number for the clinic.

It can be helpful to think about how to pass those things on when talking a relative in person or by phone or in person. Email or mail might be approaches that are more comfortable for relatives you are not in close contact with. It might be helpful to ask another relative who is in contact with that family member to help you get in touch.


You shouldn’t feel responsible for providing every detail of your test result to your family members. 这可能会让你承受很多. Usually you will be provided with a copy of your test report and a summary letter or note. These can often be helpful ways to inform family members.

如果你的基因测试是 积极的,分享这些信息:

  • Contact information for the 基因检测 resources.
  • 您的测试结果副本.
  • 基因检测对他们有何大发娱乐.

如果你的基因测试是 ,分享这些信息:

  • 你做了什么测试啊.
  • 事实是没有发现突变.


While many people are grateful for receiving information that may be important to them and their health, every person is different in how they react to this type of information. 你可能会有一些常见的反应:

  • 救援
  • 惊喜
  • 焦虑
  • 恐惧
  • 否认或解雇

虽然并不总是那么容易, try to be patient and understanding of the different ways family members may react to your 基因检测 information. The important thing is that you share your results so that they at least have the awareness and option of taking next steps.


分享结果不是你需要独自完成的事情. Talk with your health care provider or a genetic counselor if you want assistance in communicating this information with family. 他们可以在很多方面大发娱乐提供大发娱乐.

Who can my family members contact if they are interested in learning more?

家庭 members who live in the area can schedule an appointment with the 家庭癌症评估诊所. 大发娱乐大发娱乐提供电话、视频或亲自拜访. To make a genetic counseling appointment, call 801-587-9555.

家庭 members who live in another area can search for genetic counselors near them through the 国家遗传咨询师协会 (NSGC).
