

Bone sarcomas are rare diseases in which cancerous cells form in the bone. These types of cancers are seen most often in children 和 young adults.


Here are some of the bone sarcomas we diagnose 和 treat at 亨茨曼癌症研究所 和 Primary Children’s Hospital:

  • 尤因肉瘤 forms from a certain kind of cell in bone or soft tissue. It may be found in the bones of the 腿, 武器, feet, h和s, chest, pelvis, spine, or skull. 尤因肉瘤 may also be found in the soft tissue of the trunk, 武器, 腿, 头部和颈部, 腹部, 或者其他领域.
  • 骨肉瘤 最常见的骨癌是哪一种. It usually starts in osteoblasts, which are a type of bone cell that becomes new bone tissue.


骨肉瘤通常起源于成骨细胞, which are a type of bone cell that becomes new bone tissue. It commonly forms in the ends of the long bones of the body, 包括胳膊和腿的骨头吗.
骨肉瘤通常起源于成骨细胞, which are a type of bone cell that becomes new bone tissue. It commonly forms in the ends of the long bones of the body, 包括胳膊和腿的骨头吗.


专业 & 治疗

The treatment or combination of treatments each patient has depends on the stage of the bone sarcoma, 护理小组的建议, 以及病人的愿望. These are the most common types of treatment:

  • 手术
  • 放射治疗
  • 化疗
  • 靶向(钐)治疗

亨茨曼癌症研究所’s 肉瘤 Service specializes in diagnosing 和 treating cancers of the bone, 软骨, 脂肪, 肌肉, 以及各个年龄段的人的软组织.

了解更多关于 癌症治疗的类型癌症筛查结果.

原因 & 风险因素

Anything that increases your chance of getting a disease is called a risk factor. Having a risk factor does not mean you are sure to get cancer. It means your chances are higher than the average person’s. Talk with your doctor to learn more about your cancer risk.

These are risk factors for getting 骨肉瘤:

  • Previous radiation therapy or treatment with anticancer drugs called alkylating agents
  • A 家族病史 骨肉瘤的
  • Changes in certain genes that increase the risk 骨肉瘤的 cells such as the retinoblastoma gene
  • 这些条件:
    • 布鲁姆综合症
    • Diamon-blackfan贫血
    • Li-Fraumeni综合症
    • 佩吉特病
    • Rothmund-Thomson综合症
    • 沃纳综合症

了解更多的方法 预防癌症家族史和遗传咨询.

My Experience with Bone Cancer: Adrian Portillo

When I was eighteen years old, I was diagnosed with bone cancer. I was referred to 亨茨曼癌症研究所 where I met with their sarcoma team. During my time with this disease, I felt helpless 和 scared. 然而, the compassion 和 empathy that each doctor demonstrated allowed me to gain trust in their knowledge 和 most importantly, 它给了我希望. 立即, 我知道,如果我要战胜这种疾病, I would dedicate my life to caring for others during their own time of most need.

五年后, I have been chosen to attend the University of Utah School of Medicine to pursue my MD degree. I hope to serve a variety of patient populations 和 provide the extraordinary care that was once given to me.


Adrian Portillo wearing lab coat 和 stethoscope at outdoor event
Adrian Portillo in a hospital bed at 亨茨曼癌症研究所
Adrian Portillo st和ing in front of a step 和 repeat backdrop at an event

迹象 & 症状


  • 骨骼或关节疼痛
  • Fractures or breaks in the bone for no known reason
  • 肿胀的在骨头或骨头部分上肿胀的

Many other health problems can also cause these signs. If you have any of these signs, see your doctor as soon as possible.

了解更多关于 尤因肉瘤 or 骨肉瘤 来自国家癌症研究所.

诊断 & 阶段


Doctors use these tests to diagnose bone cancers:

  • 体格检查及病史: A health care provider examines your body for signs of disease. Your personal health habits, past illnesses, 和 symptoms help guide the exam.
  • 成像测试: 使用染料, x射线, 磁铁, 无线电波和/或计算机技术, your health care provider can create detailed images of internal organs. Your health care provider may inject or have you swallow a dye to help see the images.
  • 活组织检查: The health care provider removes cell or tissue samples so they can be viewed under a microscope to check for signs of cancer.


Staging is the process that shows whether bone sarcoma has spread to other parts of the body. Cancer spreads in the body in three ways: through tissue, the lymph system, or the blood.

Bone cancer cells are often categorized in these ways:

  • 本地化: The cancer has not spread out of the bone where it started.
  • 转移性: The cancer has spread to other parts of the body.

When cancer spreads from where it started to another part of the body, it is called metastasis. These metastatic cancer cells are the same type of cancer as the primary tumor. 例如, 如果骨肉瘤细胞扩散到肝脏, the cancer cells in the liver are actually 骨肉瘤 cells. The disease is metastatic 骨肉瘤, not liver cancer.

了解更多关于的阶段 尤因肉瘤 or 骨肉瘤 来自国家癌症研究所.
