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他们总是被细菌和病毒包围着. So doesn’t it make you wonder why your 医生 and 护士 never seems to get sick? 急诊室医生. Troy 马森 says he’s only had one sick day in the last 10 years and tells you some of the precautions he takes to avoid getting sick. He also discusses ways to keep healthy and boost your immunity system altogether.


播音员: Medical news and research from University of Utah 医生 and specialists you can use for a happier and healthier life. 您正在收听的是范围.

面试官: 所以博士. 马森, 我很好奇, 医生, 护士, 医生, 当他们生病时,他们不一定能请一天假. 有时候你必须进去.

Dr. 马德森: 正确的.

面试官: 对于那些正在感冒或其他疾病的人来说, what are the things that 护士 and 医生 do to try to keep going that maybe we could do, 或者更快地好起来. 有什么吗?? Is there a magic bullet that you guys know about that you're not telling us?

Dr. 马德森: 我觉得你是想从我大发娱乐得到免费的医疗建议.

面试官: 是的.

Dr. 马德森: 因为你现在病了.

面试官: 是的,我是. 我是. 我试着. I've got this cough and this congestion that's been going on for a number of days.

Dr. 马德森: 但我非常乐意在大发娱乐大发娱乐提供建议, because I went through the exact same thing a couple weeks ago and it is just a miserable thing. And you're exactly right; I have called in sick for one shift in the last 10 years. 这是一天的工作. 所以我尽我所能来完成工作. And something I deal with on a regular basis is very severe colds. I'm exposed to a lot of people who are really sick and can make you feel really miserable if you catch what they've got.
So the things I do to get through a shift are, number one, I use Tylenol. 对乙酰氨基酚是通用名称. I take that one a regular basis and I alternate it with Ibuprofen. 我每三个小时换一次. So that means you're taking each of those, individually, four times a day. 你没有服用过量, 但它对身体疼痛有很大大发娱乐, 发烧, 就是你那种痛苦的感觉. 而且我还能掌控局面. 我不会等到我感到痛苦的时候. I take the acetaminophen and then I take the ibuprofen, alternating every three hours.

面试官: 剂量是多少??

Dr. 马德森: 我通常只吃500毫克的药片. 你可以做325个中的2个,总共650个. 然后是600mg的布洛芬, so over the counter comes in 200mg tablets; you're taking 3 of those. 对于这两种剂量, you will find instructions on the bottle and precautions to avoid overdosing on either of them.

面试官: 好吧. 你们还能做什么,医学专家?

Dr. 马德森: 我做的另一件事是, 有充血和咳嗽的问题, 这就是让你感到痛苦的原因. So, typically I'm also staying on top of things and I take a combination of guaifenesin and dextromethorphan. So guaifenesin is a congestion medicine; dextromethorphan is a cough suppressant. 它的品牌是Mucinex-DM. 再一次。, 你可以找到一个通用的, and I just usually get the generic because it's the same thing. 半价. 我也经常这么做.
只是从早到晚地做好一切. 我想应该是一天两次的剂量. 也许再多一点. 我得去查一下. 也许一天四次, but I take it on a regular basis so I don't kind of get behind the game where I start feeling miserable and then I take it and wait for an hour to kick in.

面试官: 是的. 其他东西?

Dr. 马德森: 我还发现了伪麻黄碱. Also known as Sudafed, but again, pseudoephedrine is the generic name. 这是其中之一, 如果我发现这些东西都不行的话, I take pseudoephedrine and that really just kind of dries my sinuses up. 它对我鼻塞和流鼻涕有很大大发娱乐. 我不喜欢太在意,因为我个人, 这让我有点头疼, but I usually kind of have it available during a shift if just nothing else is cutting it.

面试官: Would you use that on top of everything else we have talked about?

Dr. 马德森: If I'm in a situation where maybe I have taken the guaifenasin and the dextromethorphan and it's been two or three hours, 那我可以接受.

面试官: 服用这些药物有什么问题吗? 这听起来像是很多东西,或者真的不是吗?

Dr. 马德森: It is a lot of different stuff, but keep in mind these are all different classes of medication. 你知道, 服用所有这些药物有时会让你感到有点紧张, 老实说,因为他们有这种效果. The pseudoephedrine can kind of dry your mouth out and with any cold medicine, 它会让你的脑袋有点浑浊. And it's probably already cloudy from feeling miserable from a cold. 但它们是不同种类的药物, so aren't necessarily going to have a cumulative effect with each other.

面试官: 你说了很多控制症状的话. 你能做些什么来缩短时间吗?

Dr. 马德森: There is some evidence suggesting that if you start taking zinc early in the course of a cold, 比如在最初的24小时内, 它确实有影响. 多年来, 也许连内科医生都这么想过, “嗯, 这可能没有科学依据,“但是已经有几项研究出来了, including a nice review of all the studies that came out about a year ago, 看看锌类药物. You may have heard of Zicam; that's the brand name. 但如果你早点开始, it very well may shorten the duration of your cold and the intensity of it.

面试官: 多喝橙汁怎么样?

Dr. 马德森: 是的, high dose vitamin C, I've tried to look some things up on that. Personally, I take it, just because I'm like, "It's not going to hurt me, and it may help me.“证据有点复杂. 我个人觉得,这是有影响的. 也许这是一种安慰剂效应. 也许这是一个真实的效应. 再一次。, trying to look up some studies, kind of a mixed bag on it.

面试官: 确定.

Dr. 马德森: 但我不认为有什么害处,而且可能会有大发娱乐.

面试官: So that leads me back to another question: 有什么吗? you do just kind of on a daily basis to help boost your immune system?

Dr. 马德森: 是的, 所以每天都是这样, 你问这个也很有趣, 尤其是关于维生素C的问题, I take Vitamin C every day because I figure 我是 exposed to so much junk and so 男人。y different types of viruses and illnesses that I'll do whatever. And maybe it helps; maybe it doesn't. It's cheap, it's easy to do, but I do take vitamin C supplements every day.
当然,另一件事就是睡觉. 对我个人来说,这是一个挑战. 只是上夜班, 当我这样做的时候,我发现, 男人。, 几天后, 我真的很容易感冒. But if you're in a situation where you can sleep on a regular basis, 不要打断你的睡眠模式, 这将有助于你保持健康. 当然,只是锻炼. 我个人是定期锻炼的, but I think doing that keeps your immune system up and helps you to hopefully avoid some of these things.

面试官: 你去的时候有什么顾虑吗 . . . because there's a lot of discussion nowadays about when you're sick you should just stay home. 过去是这样的,“哦,我这辈子从来没有缺席过一天.“但现在有可能把它传染给人类. In the medical profession that's not an issue, because you said you've had one sick day in 10 years.

Dr. 马德森: 是的. I mean, if I tried to call in for work, it's just not that simple.

面试官: 他们会说:“呃,我不在乎. 你需要来工作."

Dr. 马德森: 他们会说:“大发娱乐大发娱乐需要你.“我的意思是,现实是,如果我生病了,我会戴上口罩. I don't want to spread it to patients if it's really a concern. 不幸的是,这是人们应该避免使用E的一个重要原因.R. 在一般情况下. There are just so 男人。y bugs floating around there when you walk in the door.

面试官: 是的.

Dr. 马德森: That's why a big thing I always try and talk about is what you can do to avoid the E.R. But certainly anyone who had any immune system compromiser would be a set up for an infection. 在那间屋子里,我要是有点不舒服,就得戴上口罩.

播音员: 大发娱乐是您的每日科学、对话和医学栏目. 大发娱乐是犹他大学健康科学电台的Scope.