How Sugar Converts to Fat

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How Sugar Converts to Fat


What happens to all that sugar when you drink a 64-ounce soda? 肝脏专家 胡安盖乐葛斯,医学博士, tracks the consumption, absorption, and storage of sugar in our bodies. He talks about how our modern eating habits have become accustomed to the relative ease of food availability as our evolutionary metabolism struggles to cope.


面试官: Dr. 胡安盖乐葛斯他是一个 肝脏专家 at the University of Utah Hospital. I'm hoping you can help clarify something that I've heard, I don't know if this is true or not, but I've heard that if you eat an excess of sugar your liver can't process it properly and it just turns it immediately into fat. So if I'm eating a tub of ice cream every night, I'm going to get a lot fatter because of that, 这是真的吗??

How the Liver Processes Excessive Sugar

Dr. 胡安盖乐葛斯: That is partly true because we know there's a very close interplay between the liver, which is the chemical factory of our bodies, 胰腺, which is the main regulator of your blood sugar, and with the fat cells or adipocytes, which are also a big endocrine organ. So that interplay has to do with changes in your blood sugar, the things that you eat, and trying to control the blood sugar back to normal levels, and it also has to do with making cholesterol, 使甘油三酯, which are fat molecules that store energy. 是的, if you eat too much sugar or too much carbohydrates, 基本上, all this energy has to be stored somehow and normally that storage is inside the fat cells or fat droplets, and those can accumulate also inside the liver, and cause what we call 脂肪肝.

The Pancreas and Its Response to Elevated Blood Sugar

面试官: So what exactly is happening? I eat a whole bunch of sugar, it goes into my body, 进入我的胃里, gets ingested by my system, 然后呢??

Dr. 胡安盖乐葛斯: Then it goes into your bloodstream and then the bloodstream, when your pancreas senses that there are very high blood sugar levels, then it will secrete something called insulin, and that insulin will make that sugar, that glucose go back into certain cells, especially liver cells, 肌肉细胞, and other cells so that they can use that as energy. But that excess energy that you have, if it's not used then it has to be stored somehow.

面试官: 是的.

Dr. 胡安盖乐葛斯: The way it's stored is 基本上 in the fat cells or adipocytes, but also sometimes it's stored in other places where it shouldn't be.

Fatty Liver Disease: Causes and Consequences

面试官: What about the part of the thing that I heard, that the liver can't process it all, what does that mean exactly?

Dr. 胡安盖乐葛斯: It's not necessarily that it can't process it all, 但是方式, if you overcharge the system, then the processing of those things might be abnormal and that's part of the reason why people who have issues with their weight or have diabetes and high blood sugar can have something called 脂肪肝 and that's because the fat starts accumulating inside the liver cells as they try to adapt to all this excess fat that's coming into the system, 通过你的用餐, but also through increased blood sugar that ultimately is transformed into fat deposits if it's not used elsewhere.

面试官: 所有 right so you drink a 64 oz soda, you're getting an amount of sugar, how much food would you have to eat to get that kind of sugar?

Dr. 胡安盖乐葛斯: Well that would be a lot because in the past we did have availability of all this food readily available to us, so our bodies and our genes were adapted to struggle with being undernourished for most of the time. 但是是的, over the last several hundred years that has changed, and now it's very easy for us to obtain our food without having to chase after it.

面试官: Or specific elements like even sugar.

Dr. 胡安盖乐葛斯: 正确的.

面试官: You know if you eat a lot of sugar, 一茶匙, it would take you a lot of potatoes to get that amount of sugar.

Dr. 胡安盖乐葛斯: 这是真的.


updated: September 1, 2023
originally published: July 16, 2014