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Can Mindfulness Practices Improve Physical Health?

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Can Mindfulness Practices Improve Physical Health?

May 18, 2021

Mindfulness practices can help with stress, depression, 还有焦虑——但研究表明,它们也可以大发娱乐改善身体状况. Trinh Mai with University of Utah Health's Resiliency Center 探索通过正念练习治疗慢性压力,以及它如何大发娱乐管理慢性疼痛等健康状况, blood pressure, and heart disease.

Episode Transcript

Interviewer: 我想大发娱乐很多人都听说过或知道正念可以大发娱乐缓解压力、抑郁和焦虑, 但你知道吗,正念也可以大发娱乐很多身体状况, such as pain management, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, AIDS, cancer? 它可以大发娱乐改善你的睡眠,胃问题,甚至饮食失调.

Trinh Mai是犹他健康大学弹性中心的一名正念教育家. 正念也可以大发娱乐所有这些身体疾病,嗯?

Trinh: Yeah. Isn't that wild?

Interviewer: It is wild. Tell me more about that. I mean, how does that work exactly?

Trinh: 所有这些疾病的共同点是,慢性压力会导致所有这些疾病——高血压, diabetes, heart disease, digestive conditions. 压力往往是它的根源,压力也是许多健康状况的结果. 所以,如果有一种练习,比如正念,可以大发娱乐你更好地管理压力, 然后它会大发娱乐你更好地控制这些症状.

Interviewer: 我认为现在很多医生都没有必要这么做. I bet you I could go to my doctor and say, "Hey, 告诉我正念是如何控制我的糖尿病的." You might get a blank stare. So are more and more physicians kind of adopting it, 或者这在传统医疗保健中是如何体现的?

Trinh: Actually, how I came to mindfulness was my neurologist. I don't just teach this, 我在实践它,我是一个信徒,因为大约10年前我去找我的神经科医生说, you know, "I'm having all these neurological issues, pain, numbness." And we did a workup, and luckily I didn't meet any particular diagnoses, but she said, you know, stress often contributes to pain.

所以她建议我采用正念减压法, 我现在教的就是这门课,所以我觉得很幸运. But that course changed a lot for me. 它大发娱乐我更加意识到是什么引发了我的痛苦, and then it helped me to be aware of, you know, 我对疼痛的反应能减轻它还是加剧它. 有时候,这些反应实际上会让事情变得比最初的问题更糟.

And then I, through the practice, 我变得更清醒了,我希望我能减轻其他方面的痛苦. 希望作为父母和伴侣,我能少给你们添麻烦. But yeah, it's awareness. That's what mindfulness is. 当你意识到这一点时,你就有了更多的选择.

Interviewer: I know a lot of people personally, and probably even me a few years back, 如果内科医生能像你的神经科医生告诉你的那样告诉我, I'd be like, "Oh, they just can't figure out what it is. This is ridiculous.“我几乎可以听到有人回家后说,‘是的,他们告诉我,我需要更加专注. How's that going to help? Give me a pill, give me a diagnosis, tell me what's wrong."

我想大发娱乐很多人都很难相信压力会导致其他一些健康问题. 所以这个故事很棒,因为我认为它真的说明了问题, you know, it did, 它改变了你的生活,也会改变很多人的生活.

So let's get to the question now. So somebody is listening to this podcast, 也许他们正遭受着大发娱乐提到的某种疾病的折磨, maybe it's something else. How do they do it? 让大发娱乐先给一些人一个入门,然后再给一些资源.

Trinh: Yeah. So let me start with, first of all, 我想我教过的很多人都会告诉我, "Oh, yeah, 它不适合我,因为我的脑子在飞速运转,我就是停不下来," or "I can't sit still, that makes me too nervous." Well, you know what? I totally get that. 我的祖辈,尤其是女性,不能安静地坐着. 就像我妈妈,她70多岁了,她退休了,但她不会坐以待毙. So I totally get that.

And it's like anything, the more we do, the stronger our muscles are to be able to do it, and the better we get. 另一件我认为很重要的事情是,你不需要让你的思维停止. So I'm going to just repeat that. You do not have to make your mind stop. We can't necessarily control that, 但大发娱乐可以控制的是大发娱乐是否注意到它, and we can bring attention to our bodies.

So for example, if I were to ask you now, 你能把注意力集中在你在地上的脚上,感受地面吗? And if you can do that, you're practicing mindfulness.

Interviewer: That's it?

Trinh: Yes. 而且,你知道,你的思想会走神,“哦,好吧,我有更好的事情要想。." And that's cool. But when you notice that, you can bring it back.

所以现在我想请大家把注意力集中到你的呼吸上,看看你是否能注意到三次呼吸, the inhale, the exhale, feeling the air enter the nostrils, and opening up your body. Exhaling completely, feeling the body contract.

The mind wanders off. You notice. 这意味着你是有意识的,你把它带回到你的呼吸中. 然后在下一次呼气结束时,也许只是检查并注意你的感觉. See if there's any shifts.

Interviewer: 我已经觉得放松多了,大发娱乐做了大概18秒. That was amazing.

Trinh: Thanks for practicing along, Scot.

Interviewer: That was fantastic. So it doesn't seem like it's hard. You just kind of have to be paying attention. 我想你们可以找到很多资源. There's apps I hear advertised or probably YouTube videos. 有没有什么地方,你特别想为那些刚开始的人去的?

Trinh: So, you know, I'm biased. 我在犹他大学从事健康和综合健康研究, so I am going to invite you there first. 你可能想看看犹他大学的健康和综合健康YouTube频道, and it's under Be Well Utah. So that's the series that you can check out.

And then, you know, taking courses, 尝试上课是一个获得支持和组织的好方法,也是一个开始养成习惯的社区. So we have two courses. We actually have three. 大发娱乐有每日正念,这是一个入门课程,为期四周. 然后大发娱乐有黄金标准,也就是正念减压法. 这是John Kabat-Zinn开创的,背后有几十年的研究. And that one is nine weeks.

然后我在午餐时间开始了自我同情课程, and that's only an hour long for four weeks. 所以给你一些选择,你知道,尝试一下,看看你是什么感觉.