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You Might Not Be Drinking Enough Water When You Hike

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You Might Not Be Drinking Enough Water When You Hike

Jun 16, 2021

在犹他州干燥的气候下,你可能不会注意到你通过出汗流失了多少水分. Even for short, hour-long hikes, dehydration can set in faster than you realize, 哪些会导致严重的并发症,如中暑和疲惫. Dr. Emily Harold, 犹他大学骨科中心的运动医学专家, 告诉你在路上应该喝多少水, 以及确保你在享受户外活动的同时保持健康和水分的建议.

Episode Transcript

Interviewer: 接下来,大发娱乐将讨论一个常见的徒步危险,以及如何确保它不会发生在你身上. That's next on The Scope.

I want you to think about it. 当你去徒步旅行时,你通常会遇到什么问题? Maybe sore feet, tired legs, blisters. Pretty common problems, but today Dr. Emily Harold, a sports medicine specialist at University of Utah Orthopedic Clinic, 大发娱乐是要告诉大发娱乐一个更常见的登山问题,而不是很多人真正想到的问题吗, and that's dehydration. And when I heard about this I'm like, "Really? Dehydration? Don't we all drink enough water? It seems like everybody's got a bottle of water."

Sweating Can Cause Dehydration

Dr. Harold: Well, I think we all drink some water. I think that we don't all drink enough water. I mean, 我认为大发娱乐有幸生活在一个气候宜人的大州, and it's a very low humidity climate. And because it's a low humidity climate, 当你在外面,外面很热,太阳炙烤着, 很多时候,你的汗干得更快,你并没有真正意识到你出了多少汗. 大发娱乐的室外温度是80华氏度,而休斯敦是80华氏度, Texas, in which case everybody knows they're sweating.

所以很多时候人们出汗比他们意识到的要多他们失去的水分比他们意识到的要多他们没有补充足够的水分, and that can lead to headaches, and tiredness, 在极端情况下甚至会导致中暑, heatstroke, which can cause a lot of damage over time.

Interviewer: 如果我要徒步旅行一两个小时,我真的需要带水吗? 有足够的时间开始出现脱水症状吗?

How Quickly Does Dehydration Set in?

Dr. Harold: It's enough time. We would recommend at least a quart an hour. So if you're going to go out for a two-hour hike, one, we recommend probably drinking a liter before you go. 当你不在的时候,至少每小时喝一夸脱. 如果你在跑步,越野跑,做一些不仅仅是走路的运动.

Interviewer: 你报道过更多的耐力项目,比如马拉松之类的, and you say that it can really be common in those events. Explain that a little bit.

Marathons & Hot Weather

Dr. Harold: It's a common problem. 很多时候,在马拉松比赛中,人们要在赛道上跑4、5、6个小时. On a hot day, 他们在跑步的时候没有喝足够的水,很多时候当他们越过终点线回来的时候, they can have some dangerously high body temperatures, 103, 104, 105. 所以大发娱乐真的建立了一个快速冷却的部分,大发娱乐试着给IV液体补水, but it's very important that you drink enough water, especially when the temperature gets up above 70.

Interviewer: And when that sun's out, is it even worse?

Dr. Harold: Yeah, because the sun dries the sweat off a little quicker, 所以你得到的冷却效果和云多一点的时候是不一样的.

Benefits of Salt 

Interviewer: 所以多喝水,很容易预防脱水. What about extra salt in those situations?

Dr. Harold: 如果你外出超过一个小时,建议你摄入一些盐.

Interviewer: Really? And above and beyond what I would normally get in my diet?

Dr. Harold: I think that's why trail mix became so popular. 因为人们意识到如果他们走了很长时间, 花生中的盐之类的东西实际上可以大发娱乐你保留一些你喝的水, 这有助于它们更容易地补充水分.

Interviewer: Gotcha. And then also we're talking about kids. If you go out hiking for a couple hours with kids, 这对孩子的影响与对成年人的影响不同.

Keeping Kids Hydrated

Dr. Harold: 没错,如果你像我的孩子们一样,你喜欢跑在前面,不断探索. 所以你没有喝水,不管你告诉他们多少喝水, 等到他们渴了就开始喝水的时候, they've already gotten a little bit dehydrated. 所以看着孩子的水瓶就变得非常重要了. 我通常建议给每个孩子带一个水瓶,让他们用它喝水, so you can monitor how much they're consuming.

如果你到了某个地方,发现他们根本没有喝多少水, 然后你可以稍微推一下他们的液体,以防他们脱水.

Heat Exhaustion & Heatstroke

Interviewer: 中暑和中暑到底有多频繁? 我的意思是这不是很常见,比我想象的要普遍?

Dr. Harold: I think both. 我想大发娱乐有时会在急诊室看到很多热疗或高温. 通常情况下,如果你及早发现问题,并迅速让人们冷静下来,就不会导致糟糕的结果. 现在,如果你有一个人在峡谷地或摩押迷路了, 这可能会导致中暑,也可能导致一些, exactly, brain injury.

Interviewer: Just kind of wrap up, then, for myself or for my kids, 我应该寻找哪些症状来表明他们需要多喝水? Or is it just monitor water drinking?

Dr. Harold: I think it's easy enough to monitor water drinking. A lot of the symptoms are kind of difficult. Things like fatigue, they get that when they hike anyway. Headache is a common one. 所以如果你的孩子或你注意到你走路时开始头痛, a lot of times that's because you're dehydrated. So that's the earliest one.

Know When to Take a Break

Interviewer: 所以在这种情况下,喝水,远离太阳,休息多久?

Dr. Harold: Exactly. Find a shady spot.

Interviewer: How long would you want to rest for?

Dr. Harold: Some people find a shady spot, drink some water, you want to rest for probably a good 10, 15 minutes until you start to feel better.

Interviewer: Yeah, and that will start to go away. And then you're fine to go back out again?

Dr. Harold: Absolutely.

Interviewer: I mean, 这似乎是很多人都没有想到的话题之一,很多人认为这在他们的生活中并不是那么严肃.

Dr. Harold: Yeah, I think that's my final thought. 这是我知道我可以做得更好的事情,大发娱乐大多数人都可以做得更好, 但它也会导致一些问题,如果你的水分充足,它确实会让你走得更舒服.

updated: June 16, 2021
originally published: August 24, 2016